BIMMERVIN works with BMW, ALPINA, MINI, Rolls Royce. Type 17 characters of your vehicles identification number and get car specification and equipment information.
What is VIN code
VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) is a unique 17-digit code (identification number) of the vehicle. A VIN is assigned to each car during production and is applied to integral parts of the body or chassis, as well as to special plates that are attached to the body.
Why do you need a VIN code
This digital code has two important functions: vehicle identification and storage of information about it. The VIN code is entered in all accompanying documents for the car.
From the VIN code, you can find out information about the country of manufacture, manufacturer, body type and engine, as well as a specific manufacturing equipment and complectation. In addition, VIN code allows you to check the history of the car: find out about repairs after an accident, whether the car is pledged or not listed as stolen. This information is of particular value to the buyer of a used car. In the secondary car market, there are frequent cases of document forgery and permutation, as well as damage to the VIN. You can also find out the complectation or equipment of the car that was assembled at the factory, thereby understanding whether the car was retrofitted with options later or is it the original.
Where to find VIN
The VIN code is intentionally duplicated in several places: this way it can be more securely protected, and the identification number itself is easier to find. The location depends on the model and brand of car, but traditionally the VIN code is located:
- under the windshield
- on the threshold or pillar of the drivers door
- at the front of the engine block, directly on the engine
- on the bulkhead of the engine shield
- next to or on a heat-insulating partition
- on the bracket supporting the radiator
How to check the complete set of equipment and year of manufacture of a car by VIN
You can get the complete equipment set and year of manufacture of a BMW car on our website BimmerVin.